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Inside Bona's

Inside Bona's is an e-publication in which Ã山ǿ¼é faculty and staff share professional news, such as publication of a book or paper, presentation or attendance at a conference, or some other achievement or recognition.

Inside Bona's is published every other Thursday of fall and spring semesters, except for holidays and other breaks in the university calendar. Each edition is emailed to university faculty and staff.

While Inside Bona's is distributed only to those with Ã山ǿ¼é email accounts, its contents are made available here. The most recent new items appear below. Previous entries may be found on the Inside Bona's Archives site.

    Dec 16, 2024 | The Foster Center for Responsible Leadership in the School of Business has edited a special edition of the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities (AFCU) Journal.

    Dec 16, 2024 | An article by Dr. Richard Lee, a professor in the Jandoli School, appeared in AMP: American Musical Perspectives, an academic journal published by Penn State University Press.

    Dec 16, 2024 | Dr. Shatonda Jones, CCC-SLP, associate professor and director of clinical education for the Speech-Language Pathology program, and Dr. Pam Hart, CCC-SLP, program director, delivered a two-hour invited presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's annual convention in Seattle, Washington, on Dec. 6.



Inside Bona's submission form for Ã山ǿ¼é faculty & staff

PLEASE NOTE: People occasionally report trouble with this form or confusion over whether a completed and submitted form was actually dispatched. To avoid issues, please be sure to follow all instructions precisely. Additional trouble-shooting tips appear below.

Submitted forms land in the Ã山ǿ¼é email inbox for Tom Donahue, Inside Bona's editor. If you want to check to see that your submission was received or you have any other questions, please email Tom Donahue.

Personal Information
Please Note: Fields with an asterisk require a response.

e.g., Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, etc.

e.g., Biology, Adolescence Education, Student Life, etc. 

Photo Upload:
NOTE: For faculty members who have a photo on file with the Office of Marketing and Communications it is not necessary to send a head-and-shoulders photo. (if a photo accompanies your faculty profile on the website, we have your photo.) This upload is for photos other than these existing head-and-shoulders photos.

Accomplishment Information



IF YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM and you stay on this page:
There is likely a required question that you did not answer. Scroll back to the form and check to see that you have a response in ALL FIELDS (except for the photo upload, which you may or may not be using). All fields other than photo upload require a response.

IF YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM and you are taken to an acknowledgment page:
Your form was successfully sent to Tom Donahue, Inside Bona's editor.

Tom will let you know in an email that your submission was received. This should happen within a day or two after you submit the form. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you should check with Tom be emailing him at tdonahue@sbu.edu.